Volunteer Program
Volunteer Program

Aside from our annual monetary donations to support various initiatives in our local community, we know the importance of being active in the community in which we work.

The Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro Staff Volunteer program affords our employees the opportunity to be present and serve in areas that our agency has deemed vital to the improvement of the community in which we live. One of these areas is indeed education.

Our HACG Staff partners with our local Carver Heights Elementary school as reading and lunch buddies weekly. These volunteers work with students needing extra help and encouragement during lunchtime. The school identifies the students who could use a Buddy, and our Staff meets to mentor these students over lunch. Sometimes these students are facing social, family, and/or academic challenges and have immensely benefited from having a consistent Buddy to help them navigate life. Our agency ensures the students entrusted to us don't lack anything; we've provided gifts at Christmas and additional support as needed outside of the lunch setting. Our volunteers also ensure that our sponsored succulent garden at the local elementary school is kept up. The garden gives our youth a place to feel safe and comfortable and an opportunity to discover nature.

These volunteer opportunities help boost our agency morale and productivity, creating a sense of family and allowing all employees from maintenance to executive level to be in touch with the residents we serve daily.