
FREE Breakfast & Lunch for Students

Wayne County Public Schools Logo

This week, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Wayne County Public Schools will be providing curb-side meal pick up opportunities for parents at ten area pick-up sites, from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. WCPS will be providing two lunches and two breakfast items on Tuesday to ensure students have two meals on Wednesday, which is a non-distribution day; a lunch and breakfast on Thursday; and on Friday, an extra lunch and breakfast will be provided for the weekend. The sites are as follows:

Charles B. Aycock High
Carver Elementary
Carver Heights Elementary
Eastern Wayne High
Grantham Middle
Meadow Lane Elementary
Rosewood Elementary
Spring Creek Middle
Tommy's Road Elementary
Wayne Academy

As possible, the curbside pickup will occur in areas closest to the cafeteria. Next week, the schedule for designated sites will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday during these same times. Parents who are unable to travel to a pick-up site, but who are in need of meal assistance for their child should contact 919-705-6139. 

Be sure to connect with The Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro on social media for more resident news and resources, Facebook @goldsborohousingauthority.