
HACG Donates $25,000 to Local Schools

We firmly believe in the transformative power of education. By investing $25,000 in our local schools, we are sowing the seeds of progress and fostering an environment where knowledge and learning flourish. This investment is not merely a monetary contribution; rather, it symbolizes our unwavering dedication to fostering a brighter future for our community!

Carver Heights Elementary staff holding $5,000 donation from Goldsboro Housing Authority

Carver Heights Elementary

Dillard Middle School staff holding $5,000 donation from Goldsboro Housing Authority

Dillard Middle School

North Drive staff holding $5,000 donation from Goldsboro Housing Authority

North Drive Elementary

Wayne Middle High Academy holding $5,000 donation from Goldsboro Housing Authority

Wayne Middle High Academy

Goldsboro High School staff holding $5,000 donation from Goldsboro Housing Authority

Goldsboro High School